SSL Certificates (GlobalSign)
Standard SSL is a 128 / 256 bit single root SSL certificate. Our Standard SSL is already present in the IE 5.01+, Netscape 4.7+ and Mozilla 1+ browsers and many other new Windows and Mac based browsers. At a very special low price, Standard SSL is an ideal solution for securing websites conducting lite levels of ecommerce.
Standard SSL Certificates have a browser recognition of around 99% and are ideal for websites conducting low volume / low value ecommerce transactions.
A single SSL Certificate to secure unlimited subdomains
Save time, administration and money by adding the Wildcard SSL option. Typically a standard SSL Certificate is issued to a single Fully Qualified Domain Name only, which means it can only be used on the exact domain (including sub-domain) to which it has been issued. With the Wildcard SSL option activated you easily get around this restriction by receiving an SSL Certificate issued to *
The * character allows the Certificate to be used on any number of different subdomains, replacing the usual single fixed subdomain of Standard SSL Certificates.
Get the maximum trust and assurance for your website!
Premium SSL (EV SSL) immediately tells your customers that you are using the highest levels of SSL security available. Let your visitor know your company name, your SSL Certificate provides a higher level of trust and assurance than just the standard non-EV padlock. Higher trust means more confidence in your web site, and more confidence means higher visitor to customer conversions.
Why should my company use Premium SSL?
- Protect your customers' accounts from phishing attacks - any web site that gives their customers accounts is a potential phishing target
- Protect your brand from copy cat web sites - ensure customers know the site claiming to be you really is you
- Elevate your site image - position your brand against the big brands, thousands of which have already adopted Premium SSL
- Vetting is handled by GlobalSign (the CA) and can take several days or weeks to complete. If you have private registration, then this will need to be removed at some point so GlobalSign and complete the vetting process. NOTE